PAY DUES (please register first under “JOIN A-DOG”)

Thanks for submitting your membership form to A-DOG! 

(If you haven’t submitted a membership form first, please go back to that link “Join A-DOG”.)

  • If you’ve selected Full Membership, please complete payment here, using one of the payment options below.
  • If you’ve selected Associate Membership, you’re all done! (But, please check “Important Notice” below to ensure we got your information.). However, if you’d like to make a voluntary donation to A-DOG at any time, please use the “Optional Donations” link on the right (sidebar) of the website. If you’d like to obtain a colorful A-DOG Car Magnet (donation to cover costs), please use the “Car Magnets” link right below it.


IMPORTANT NOTICE : We have had intermittent problems with some membership forms not going through even though there is no error message on hitting “Send”.

You should have received a copy of your own completed membership sign-up form by email within minutes after you hit “Send”. If you do not receive it, then it means it probably didn’t go to us either. If that happens, please contact us directly by email ( or phone (Sue at 781-643-0595) so that we can send you an email form that you can manually complete and return to us. We apologize for the inconvenience. (In the meantime, Full Members, please proceed with the payment anyway, as instructed below, and you will be registered and we will have your email and other address; we will track down the rest of the information from you by emailing you a manual sign-up form.)


Full Membership Payment Options:

1. Pay by check:

If you chose a 1 year household membership, please mail a check for $20 made out to “Arlington Dog Owners Group” to Arlington Dog Owners Group, PO Box 70, Arlington, MA 02476

Or, if you chose a 2 year household membership, send a check for $35 to the same address.  (Please write “2 years” on the check).

Please include your name and phone number or email address on the check in case your form didn’t go through (see above notice).

If you’d like to make an additional voluntary donation to A-DOG at this time, it can be added to the same check. If you’d also like to add Car Magnets, please add the donations shown below to defray shipping and handling (we will deliver all to your address):

Per magnet, $2


2. Pay securely online with PayPal for the 1 or 2 year options

For ONE Year membership ($20) use this button:


Or, for TWO Years membership ($35) use this button:

After payment, click to return to the A-DOG site and be directed to a page to give you an option to order A-DOG Car Magnets (donation to cover delivery). If, after paying your membership dues, you’d like to make an additional voluntary donation to A-DOG at this time or in the future, please also use the “Optional Donations” link on the right (sidebar) of the website.

Arlington Dog Owners Group (A-DOG) is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization, and donations/dues are deductible to the full amount allowed by law.