We hope you saw our display at Robbins Library during the month of August. Our table featured useful and interesting books on dogs and dog training, as well as literature on A-DOG and on other topics of potential value to our members. We were delighted to learn that Robbins is ordering more books for dog owners to add to their current collection. Thanks to Susan Ruderman and Ann Smith for setting up this great display!
Hi! I’m a librarian at the Robbins Library and we’d like to renew our connection with A-DOG. I’d be happy to have a conversation about ways the library could help your organization, from display space to programming space to dog-related resources (books, DVDs, etc.). I’m also a dog owner myself, with an almost six-year-old greyhound. :-) Please be in touch – jarch (at) minlib (dot) net. I hope to hear from you soon!