Pet First Aid/CPR Workshop


In November, A-DOG sponsored a free Pet First Aid/CPR workshop featuring Amy Breton, CVT, VTS (ECC) of Blue Pearl Veterinary Partners of Waltham. Amy generously donated her expert presentation, accompanied by her “demo-dog”, Meeko, a 10 year old Aussie mix who had assisted Amy with hundreds of workshops. A-DOG board member, Mary McCartney organized the workshop. Arlington’s Animal Control Officer, Amanda Kennedy, helped Mary to arrange this valuable, potentially life-saving educational event, which was held at the, Arlington Police Department Community Room. The room was packed with an enthusiastic audience of pet owners. While admission was free, A-DOG collected optional donations for two charities selected by Amy and Amanda. These organizations: Frankie’s Friends, a charitable pet foundation that benefits pets needing life-saving medical care and the Animal Rescue League of Boston that helps animals in numerous ways, including helping our own Animal Control Officer rescue injured pets or wildlife. The event raised about $100 for these causes, and matching gifts from A-DOG enabled us to donate $100 to each charity.


The presentation covered many topics essential to canine and feline first aid in detail (Amy also briefly touched on emergencies involving smaller pets such as rabbits, rodents and birds.) This included information to help owners identify emergency situations including abnormalities in temperature, pulse and blood flow. It also discussed how to stabilize injured pets, for example techniques for bandaging, and transfer them safely to the emergency medical facility.   Rescue measures such as CPR and Heimlich techniques to dislodge foreign objects in choking situations. However, Amy stressed that, in such situations, it is critical to provide whatever first aid you can but seek emergency professional care as soon as possible. This very thorough two hour workshop included demonstrations of bandaging, CPR and other techniques on the very patient Meeko!


Photos:  Bandaging demo with Amy and Meeko (above); Below: Mary introduces the event; A full-house audience in the community room; and more workshop photos.

Maryintro crowd doggydemocpr

doggydemocloseup doggydemoexit